Summer Reading

If you were looking for book recos, this is a different sort of summer reading - one with cards.

Here’s the tarot spread I created for Summer. It’s a fun one for an evening with friends or on your own whilst looking for secret guidance. Choose your own adventure! Summer is the season of maximum growth, fire, and joy - and it was fun to weave those themes into the queries.

Now on to the Collective’s reading.

  • Our card for the Summer: Four of Wands.

    Summer is a season for getting out there and connecting with others. Consider this card a sign to accept those social invitations and maybe even those you are on the fence about. Sometimes it serves to challenge your go-to ideas of fun. You just might surprise yourself!

  • What growth is possible this season? Seven of Cups.

    This card feels connected to the card for the summer, bonus that it looks like a carnival game! We’re being encouraged to go beyond our comfort zone and take some chances. We may not end up where we were aiming, but we still get something out of the experience (lessons are, in fact, a prize).

  • What aspect needs MORE FIRE? The Empress.

    All caps YES! I’ve said this before, but the Empress is probably the only card in the Major Arcana which is tied to the sacral energy center. Our sacral is about pleasure, water/emotions, and creativity. So do more of what makes you feel good, stay hydrated, hop on a unicorn floaty at the pool, and spend some time making stuff that has zero to do with making money or “your job.” Not all at once of course, unless you can…then color me IMPRESSED!

  • What aspect needs LESS FIRE? The Hermit.

    Come out, come out wherever you are (said in the voice of a creepy child)! If you feel like you spent last season cooped up, alone, in your head, being serious - well...the sun is shining and I’m pretty sure if you get real quiet, you can hear that creepy kid voice calling for you to grab your SPF and to go outside and play. While you’re at it, make plans to hang out with your friends OR (plot twist) don’t hang out with those friends - go make some new ones!

  • How can we bring MORE JOY into our lives? Six of Cups.

    Are you still holding on to past grievances inflicted by others or yourself? It’s not really ever about letting sh*t go, but more about acknowledging, getting uncomfortable with, maybe befriending, accepting and learning from said sh*t. If you ask me, that’s as good a recipe as any for joy in life. Once again, tarot doesn’t lie!

  • And just for funzies, I pulled an oracle card as an overall theme for the reading. This card is from the Guided by Spirit deck by Aja Daashuur and look who it is: Boundaries.

    Do you have boundaries? I hope so. It’s always good to do a boundary check. A few things to consider:

    We create boundaries to keep us safe, but sometimes they work so well, they keep us disconnected.

    What or whom is encroaching on your energy and your personal space?

    Do your boundaries need to be redrawn? Boundaries are not a set it and forget it thing. They are like balance: constantly shifting. Remember, YOU have control of your own boundaries, not the other way around.
