Observation: The Similarities of Tea Sits and Healing Sessions

The other day

I was preparing for a private sound and tea session and it dawned on me: the practice of tea ceremony is similar to how we, as practitioners, approach healing sessions. It was a fascinating a-ha moment for me, so I thought I’d share here.


  • In tea, before a ceremonial sit, there is preparation. Preparation of the tea wares, thoughtful selection of tea, water sourcing, what will appear on the chaxi (tea stage), and anything else needed to support the experience.

  • Similarly, when preparing for a session, there is a similar amount of preparation. Thoughtful selection of stones/crystals or instruments, elements to prepare the space, and anything else needed for the session.


  • In tea, we wash the tea ware and tea prior to serving our guests. There are ceremonial gestures we include to bring in other elements/energies into the practice.

  • In sessions, we cleanse the space, ourselves, and the recipient prior to beginning the work. It is so important to work with Source and activate protection around ourselves and the recipient.


  • In tea, as the chajin (tea server) we are using all our senses while we brew, serve, and receive the tea. Tea is always communicating with us in the process. She has told me things like: “slow down,” “more tea leaves are needed,” or “this is the last round.”

  • In sessions, we are using all our senses to share, direct energy, and receive messages for the recipient. Sometimes we need to make adjustments mid-session. Sometimes we receive messages about the situation the recipient may be struggling with, or maybe a loved one in spirit comes through.


  • In tea, we serve water to signify the end of the sit. Water completes the circle and washes away the experience - reminding us of the impermanence of this existence. Water also moves us into a new energy: beginning again.

  • In sessions, we cut our connection of the energies we’re working with and cut the connection to our clients. Ideally, we are clearing ourselves after every session.

Tea as a metaphor has endless applications. Similar comparisons can be said for relationships, any work or project and all of life really. The experience of tea is all encompassing and minute in the same moment. What do you find in a quiet moment with tea?

Raising a bowl to you my friends. Xx