The Season of Summer

To jump right into the season’s journal prompts, scroll down.

We often talk about the change of the season as a clean, definitive shift from one season to the next. This morning, I was thinking about how every moment is a portal. Each moment holds a possibility to shift, to transform, to change.

And so last week, as we headed toward the longest day of the year, we just as quickly pivoted and began the path toward the longest night of the year.

Each day that passes, a collection of many portals. These moments may feel the same as we live it, but are in fact ever changing in imperceptible ways until enough time has passed that we are able to look back at what resembles a season.

Summer is a season of illumination. You might experience more clarity. Clarity about situations, relationships, yourself.

Summer is a season of paring down and purification.  We might dress lighter, eat lighter, our movement practices become lighter to help balance the heat around us.

Summer is a season of exposure. Personally and collectively, our shadows come into view - with even more contrast. This can feel very, very uncomfortable. If this has been your recent experience, as it has been mine, I bow to you and what you’re going through. I honor your challenges as I honor mine. Trust we are being shown these aspects of ourselves to help us shift. Trust that these things are being exposed for our greater expansion.

A beautiful way to walk through the Summer portal is to pause and reflect on our experience in the first half of the year.

Here are some journal prompts for reflection:

  • How have you been - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually?

  • Do you notice any themes?

  • Is there anything you are ready to release? And can you do so with as much love for yourself as possible?

At this midpoint, remember that you can choose what comes with you in the next half of the year. Leverage the season’s aspects of illumination, purification, and exposure to help shift your energy moving forward.

  • Is there something you’ve been working on that is ready to emerge?

  • Is there something inside you which is ready to be seen and shared with others?

Many blessings to you in this season of Summer.